I sit here in my recliner, in the quiet of the house. Everyone else is either sleeping or gone. The only sound is the quaintness of Precious, our dog, snoring...and soft worship music ringing through the house, sung by Kari Jobe. All I have done is soak up the events of my week, and meditate on the Lord. The house isn't this quiet very much, and it really feels good.
And no sooner as I type that statement, my wife pulls up. Maybe I should change the locks (LOL).
I received a call from my dad this week on tax day. With a very quiet, but serious tone, he informed me that a brother in the Lord, a husband, a brother, a son, and a man that I have been friends with for 30+ years, had passed away. It just devastated me.
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David, Ministers Reunion, 1/15/15 |
David spoke the words of Jesus into my life at an early age. As a helper in children's church, as well as a leader in the youth group, he ministered to countless thousands of young people. He always kept us on our toes in laughter with his antics and jokes. But make no mistake, when the time to be serious came, he was all about sharing the Love of JESUS to everyone of us. He wanted to do this because it was his heart to do so. As a little child, we didn't realize it just flowed out of his very being, and because Jesus first loved him, it was just natural to him to share that love wherever he went. He really had joy unspeakable and was full of Glory.
David was my Sunday school teacher when I was somewhere between the ages of 10-12. With the likes of Thomas Williams, Dale Adcock, Steven Workman, myself and several others, we were ALWAYS pulling practical jokes and causing some sort of commotion, both before class (directed at the girls our age, right next door), and during class. It was not uncommon for David to have to stop his lesson several times to try to quiet us.
One particular Sunday, though, I was being very good. A few others were, too. But there were yet, still, some causing the same ruckus. David grew tired of it, and made a comment that if he was interrupted one more time, he was going to all of our daddies after church and tell them how much trouble we were. Needless to say, he had to do just that, and that caused me to get to have another meeting with that leather belt that bore my dad's name on it.
I never let David live that down. I brought it up to him even last January, the last time any of us got to see him. We just had a big laugh about it and went on.
David Buice and his wife, Lisa, has been serving the Lord as missionaries in Taiwan for some time now. They came home for our minister's reunion at church back in January. I tried my best to get some time with David, maybe go eat somewhere, and just catch up. Couldn't get it worked out, because of scheduling conflicts. Now, more than ever, I wish I could have.
Lisa was able to talk to the last person that David had the opportunity to talk to before his tragic motorcycle accident. The man said that he had stopped at a gas station and shared the love of Jesus with everyone in there. When he walked out, he met this man, and talked to him about if he had ever received Jesus into his heart and life, as his personal Lord and Savior. Then he got on his scooter, and in an instant, he was in the presence of God.
I have read many, many posts from both the States, as well as those in Taiwan sharing their thoughts and love to a man who cared for them enough to share Jesus with them. David literally lived his life to do just that, and the comments that have been shared with the family has preached his funeral, so to speak.
We do not mourn for David, himself, because he has received his reward. He fought the good fight, finished his course, and he kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7)
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David and Lisa Buice |
They have poured their hearts and souls out spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to any and all that they could. They have worked with children of all ages, as well as ministered to adults. They were teaching schools, feeding countless numbers, the list could go on and on.
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David ministering in Taiwan |
On April 15, 2015, David's 50th birthday, Lisa served him breakfast in bed, and I'm sure they recounted the night before, when all of his friends gathered to give him a birthday celebration, and literally showered him with their love and words of what he meant to each of them. Lisa said that he left home for work happy and smiling because he was the big 5-0.
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David and Lisa Baptizing in Taiwan |
I have read many, many posts from both the States, as well as those in Taiwan sharing their thoughts and love to a man who cared for them enough to share Jesus with them. David literally lived his life to do just that, and the comments that have been shared with the family has preached his funeral, so to speak.
We do not mourn for David, himself, because he has received his reward. He fought the good fight, finished his course, and he kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7)
We mourn for those he left behind. Our prayers go out to his wife, his dad, his sister, and the entire family.
Friend, what if the last thing you said to your spouse, friend, or stranger was your last? What was the last thing you said to them? Can you say with certainty that you are ready for that very reality? If not, as you read these words, pray them to the Lord...
Dear God, I am a sinner. I believe that you sent your Son to die on the cross for my sins, and that He rose again on the 3rd day. Please forgive me of my sins, and come into my heart to forever be my Lord and Savior. Thank You for saving me. Amen.
If you prayed that prayer with sincerity, you can rest assured that when that time comes, you will be in the Presence of God. I encourage you to find a good church and get rooted and planted. If you live anywhere in the vicinity of Gadsden, AL, I invite you to my church, The Tabernacle, 1301 South 11th St. We would love to see you!
The only way to be truly happy and successful is to always put Jesus first in your life. He is the best Friend you could ever have, and He LOVES you so much!
A memorial to David by "his kids" in Taiwan...
Friend, what if the last thing you said to your spouse, friend, or stranger was your last? What was the last thing you said to them? Can you say with certainty that you are ready for that very reality? If not, as you read these words, pray them to the Lord...
Dear God, I am a sinner. I believe that you sent your Son to die on the cross for my sins, and that He rose again on the 3rd day. Please forgive me of my sins, and come into my heart to forever be my Lord and Savior. Thank You for saving me. Amen.
If you prayed that prayer with sincerity, you can rest assured that when that time comes, you will be in the Presence of God. I encourage you to find a good church and get rooted and planted. If you live anywhere in the vicinity of Gadsden, AL, I invite you to my church, The Tabernacle, 1301 South 11th St. We would love to see you!
The only way to be truly happy and successful is to always put Jesus first in your life. He is the best Friend you could ever have, and He LOVES you so much!
A memorial to David by "his kids" in Taiwan...
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A child remembers David |
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John 3:16 in Traditional Mandarin |
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A rock memorial to David in Taiwan |