There should always be extra caution in transporting Hazmat materials. These materials could range anywhere from poisonous to corrosive, from flammable to oxidizers. Needless to say, you don't want ANYTHING to go wrong when transporting.
As I was traveling, it got me to thinking about the hazardous things that we allow into our lives. It could be all kinds of different things, but anything that does not honor the Lord, fits the bill.

Another biggie that is all the rave in society now, is the movies and TV shows about vampires and sorcery. This is nothing but an attack of the enemy. It is brought to us in a way that looks to be a love story, or made to look like "the good guy" battling all that is wrong with the world.

2Corinthians 11:14 states, "And no wonder! For satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light." Which simply means, he will not brings his attacks to look like attacks, because if you saw it in this way, you wouldn't want any part of it. He brings it in a manner appealing to your eyes. God would never condone, nor would He try to trick you into love.
God is a God of Love. He is Love, itself. Without Him, whether or not you acknowledge it, we would not know what love is. 1John 4:18 states, "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love."
There are many other things that we could go into here. Let me just mention one other thing. Don't allow your lifestyle to displease God. There are many lifestyles in the world today that are displeasing to Him. Even if you don't agree with it, but tolerate it, because you do not want to "offend" anyone, is a sin. God defined what Love was in Genesis during creation. Anything that goes against it, is sin.
One thing that is thrown out there by people is Matthew 7:1. It states, "Judge not, lest you be judged." This Scripture is true, but is quite often taken out of context. For example, if you are outwardly living a sinful life, you have no right to jump on someone who is doing the same, or another sin, just because you think you are better than them.
On the other hand, John 7:24 states, "Do not judge according to appearance, but with righteous judgment."
This tells me that as a Christian, when I see another brother or sister fall into sin, I am to go to them, let them know in the right way that what they are doing is wrong, and help them pick themselves up and make their life right with the Lord. My friend, and brother in the Lord, Paul Roberts made this exact point a few months ago. He was spot on when he said, "THERE IS A MASSIVE DIFFERENCE IN JUDGING A PERSONS SOUL OR SPIRITUAL CONDITION, AND JUDGING SOMEONE'S ACTIONS."
If the Christians in this world would stand up for the Word of God, instead of cowering away, afraid of "offending" people, we would not have near the problems we face in today's world. Jesus gave the commandment, referred to as "The Great Commission," which is found in the Book of Mark.
Mark 16:15-18 states, "15 And He (Jesus) said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” (NKJV)
This doesn't mean that you need to go around with a Bible, beating everyone in the head with it. My strong suggestion to everyone (myself included) is to do a daily (maybe even hourly, if needed) examination of your own heart against Jesus' heart. I personally find myself daily asking the Lord to forgive me of things, often that I didn't even realize was wrong, or didn't realize I had done it. Sometimes, it was what I was supposed to do, and didn't. While the Holy Spirit is a Perfect Gentleman, He will convict you of your sins. It is then that you should confess your sins, and know that God's Word holds true. He is Faithful and Just to forgive your sins.
Then, and ONLY THEN, do you have the right when confronted with sin in society to BOLDLY proclaim the Word of God. Don't cower away. If done correctly, Jesus will use it to bring multitudes to Him.
Don't allow the "HAZMAT" into your life. And when it tries to enter, clean it out.
A recent skit at my church demonstrates Jesus "washing" us in his Blood. Representative of Him washing our sins away, leaving us white as snow.
Have you been washed in His Blood?
Jesus is the Best Friend you could ever have, and He LOVES you so much!
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